Zhang Lab @ Danforth
June 2024 - Zhang lab technician Dominique Pham received an award for best talk at the annual Danforth Center Scientific retreat. Dom has been in the lab for only 11 months and was the only lab tech to present a talk at the retreat. Congratulations to Dom!

June 2024 - Zhang lab technician Dominique Pham received an award for Best Oral Presentation in the Physiological and Eco-physiological Section at Botany 2024. Congratulations to Dom!

December 2024 - Zhang lab technician Dominique Pham received the CSTM 2024 Winter Professional Development Award. Congratulations to Dom!

April 2024 - Zhang lab technician Kylee Hillman applied for graduate schools when she was in the Zhang Lab for a year, received interview invitations from six prestigious PhD graduate programs, and had five graduate school offers. Kylee will attend graduate school at the University of California, Berkeley in Fall 2024. Congratulations to Kylee! Kylee will have two co-authored manuscripts from the Zhang Lab.

May 2024 - Congratulations to Ru, who was featured as one of twenty-five inspiring women in plant biology! Read about it here!

October 2023 - Zhang lab former PhD graduate student and current postdoc Erin Mattoon will start her new position as a Genomics Data Scientist at Bayer Crop Science this December. Congratulations to Erin! During her time in the Zhang lab (March 2018 to October 2023, PhD successfully defended in April 2023), Erin had 1 lead author publication, 2 co-first author publications, 3 co-author publications, and at least 2 more manuscripts in preparation. Erin, thank all your contributions to the Zhang lab!

June 2023 - Zhang lab tech Kylee Hillman and Ru attended the 20th International Conference on the Cell and Molecular Biology of Chlamydomonas at the Princeton University. Kylee presented a poster and also received the conference travel award. Congratulations to Kylee!

May 2023 - Erin and Ru at the WUSTL PhD graduation ceremony. Congratulations to Dr. Mattoon, the 1st graduated PhD student from the Zhang Lab!

April 2023- Zhang lab tech Kylee Hillman received $1000 DDPSC CSTM travel award to attend the 20th International Conference on the Cell and Molecular Biology of Chlamydomonas at the Princeton University in June 2023! Congratulations to Kylee!

Zhang lab graduate student Erin Mattoon successfully defended her PhD on 4/11/23. Congratulations to Dr. Mattoon!

April 2023 - our former lab tech Cheyenne (Anderson) Morris, received the NSF Graduate Research Fellowship (GRFP). Cheyenne is also a William H. Danforth Plant Sciences Fellowship Awardee. Cheyenne has one co-first-author paper (1st place) and one co-author paper resulting from her work in the Zhang Lab. Congratulations to Cheyenne!

April 2023 - Zhang lab tech Cady Bailey was accepted to the St. Louis University bioinformatics and computational biology graduate program and will start her graduate study in August 2023. Cady has two co-author papers resulting from her work in the Zhang Lab. Congratulations to Cady! Link to paper 1 and 2 here.

March 2023 - Zhang lab graduate student Erin Mattoon's algal pooled screen paper in collaboration with computer scientists at the University of Missouri (Mizzou) was featured on Mizzou's website. Link here.

February 2023 - Zhang lab postdoc Leila Pazouki, got a job offer as "Senior research scientist" at Plastomics.

November 2022 - Former Zhang Lab postdoc, Huong Mai Nguyen, got a new job as research scientist in industry.
October 2022 - Zhang Lab grad student Erin Mattoon's poster won an award at the WUSTL PMB retreat.

September 2022- Zhang Lab grad student Erin Mattoon's poster received an award at the Danforth BioBash.

April 2022- Zhang Lab lab technician, Celine Xia, got an offer to attend WUSTL as a PhD student in the PMB program!
April 2022 - Our former lab tech Will McHargue, received the NSF Graduate Research Fellowship (GRFP). Will is also a William H. Danforth Plant Sciences Fellowship Awardee. Will has 4 co-author papers resulting from his work in the Zhang Lab. Congratulations to Will! Link to papers 1, 2, 3, and 4 here.

March 2022 - Zhang lab grad student Erin Mattoon got the best poster award at the 31st Western photosynthesis Conference.

November 2021 - Zhang Lab postdoc, Ningning Zhang, got a new job as research scientist at Bayer.

September 2021- Zhang Lab published: High light and temperature reduce photosynthetic efficiency through different mechanisms in the C4 model Setaria viridis.
April 2021- Zhang Lab lab technician, Cheyenne Anderson, got an offer to attend WUSTL as a PhD student in the PMB program!
Our former REU Intern, Andrew Paton, received the NSF Graduate Research Fellowship (GRFP). Congratulations Andrew!

September 2020 - Zhang Lab lab technician, Eric Becker, got an offer from Pfizer as an Associate Scientist! Congratulations to Eric!

April 2020 - Zhang Lab lab technician, Will McHargue, got an offer to attend WUSTL as a PhD student in the PMB program!
March 2020 - Zhang Lab published: Chlamydomonas sp. UWO 241 exhibits high cyclic electron flow and rewired metabolism under high salinity.
April 2018 - Zhang Lab lab technician, James Eckhardt, got an offer to attend UC Riverside as a PhD student!